Anyway, First of all has to be that you determine just how big an electrical box will need in order to do the job. Grab a measurment tape, place it in the space you would like to fit your box into. To do this correctly, measure the sizes and then cut your back cab hole in that exact spot with a decent size cutter. Be sure to be mindful of these cuts and not damage the cabinet in any way. After you have cut the hole, press in electrical box then locate within inside of cabinet. Fastened down and still prevent movement. Now, drill a small hole through the back of your cabinet that goes down into from below floor. This Jiayi metal box fabrication is important because that's how the electrical wires are going to get from inside of your cabinet and into whatever electrical outlet or switch you decide on connecting it too. You want this hole to be pretty tight, wires will go through it and nothing more.
Now, we have to decide where do you wish hide the electric box wardrobe/ or any comfortable place. Your kitchen might be in tip top shape; your living room could definitely use some cleaning. Measure the needed electrical box size you are using, then cut out from back panel (the opposite side than drawer slides will go) where it be installed. Make sure the hole is perfectly fit for your box.
Which means that after you have picked out the ideal cabinet then slice a hole in back for your electrical panel to match. This Jiayi custom sheet metal box is where the panel will reside, so this area must align. After cutting this hole, you have to patch it in between the drywall and one must install installation of that electrical panel correctly by following manufacturer instructions. All of the precautionary measures should be followed when you go about doing this process.
So as all the wiring and panel in place with no loose ends then you can start decorating around cabinet to go well this look on rest of your room. This is the perfect moment to input some accessories and/or colour that will transform you home from cold, like a house/flat for sale into warm and cozy. Place cabinets over your Electrical panels so that these will not ruin the look of a nice and organized room for you, or even for inviting guests it looks great too
Stay safe and secure, Always beware of those electricity boxes. Reveling with electricity, or perhaps messing around with electrical energy. whatever you want to consider it can be really straightforward for things to snap and horribly injure a person. However, if you do not trust yourself to handle electricity call a good electrician and have that sucker installed. The Jiayi Electrical cabinet are trained and know what all needs to be done in a secured way.