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Metal forming bending

Bending of metal by Jiayi is a significant process where the metal it positioned into an alternate form by bending. sheet metal shearing is by way of bending that we are able to produce a large number of products: tubes and rods, as well as a wide range of sheet metal items in everyday life. Metal bending plays a vital role in many different tasks and industries, including building houses, manufacturing goods, transporting products from one site to another. Jiayi is a company dedicated to metal bending and has unique ways of doing it, very well done and with great accuracy.

Striking a balance between strength and malleability

Metal offers two things: strength, and flexibility when necessary. Strength is basically the ability of metals to withstand pressure by Jiayi. Meanwhile, malleability describes flexibility — how easy custom sheet metal is to shape metals without causing them to crack or break into two. A compromise has to be struck between these two when working with metals. Work hardening a material makes it difficult to shape but if there is too much flexibility present, the metal will be unable to do its job (the steel becomes weak). Fortunately, Jiayi is pretty good at striking this balance in metal bending that enables them to cater different requirements of their clients.

Why choose Jiayi Metal forming bending?

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