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CNC 시트 메탈 펀치

Sheet metal made in everything is a difficult job and each aspect needs to be considered properly. From the one crucial minutiae of some little prick deciding what it is that he/she wants to produce at first, all the way up until their call-to-action. Punching — A substantial point out when working with sheet metal Punching, as the name suggests, creates holes or punches shape in sheet metal. Helping with this is a great little tool we have at our disposal, the 시트 메탈 터렛 펀치 of Jiayi and it was designed specifically for punching precision holes.   

대량 작업을 위한 효율적인 펀칭

Producing a lot of sheet metal parts at once is quick. It is used when companies have to manufacture a large amount of items in quick successions. CNC hamming punches by Jiayi are lined using sheet metal heats to cancel the long periods of cutting works. This would enable the business to manufacture more parts in lesser time and consequently a huge advantage for businesses. From there, they can create and sell whatever to increase their sales get more making money.   

왜 Jiayi CNC 시트 메탈 펀치를 선택하시나요?

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